Lenten/ Holy Week 2019

People focus on fasting and it’s important. As a reminder, the Most Reverend Bishops Elias Zaidan and Gregory Mansour have previously issued the following Lenten guidelines for the Maronites of the U.S.:

  • All Maronites over the age of 14, who are physically capable, are to abstain from meat on Ash Monday and all Fridays of Lent.
  • Ash Monday and the Great Friday of the Crucifixion are also days of fasting. Fasting in the Maronite Church involves eating and drinking nothing at all (except water and medicine) from midnight until noon. The rest of the day normal meals can be taken, but without meat. All Maronites who are physically capable are to fast on these two days.

To say it another way:

  • Ash Monday – fast until noon, then no meat
  • All Fridays during Lent – abstain from meat, no fasting required
  • Good Friday – fast until noon, then no meat

Abstinence means no eating of meat. Fasting means no food or beverage (except for water) between 12 Midnight to 12 Noon. Those over 60, and those with any medical condition or illness where fasting is deleterious are dispensed from this obligation, as are those who are required to preform strenuous labor. (As a reminder, each Sunday during lent is a celebration of the Resurrection and isn’t therefore Lent, so any things you have give up for Lent are properly set aside on Sundays).

But there is more than fasting! Great Lent is a time of prayer, penance, and change of heart; turning from sin and facing the Lord. Fasting and abstinence are part of the larger program we are encouraged to engage in during Lent. All parishioners are encouraged to seek Sacrament of Reconciliation at some point before Easter Sunday. You are encouraged to give to those less fortunate, either through the second collection for Bishop’s charity or to individuals or organizations.

Lenten Schedule:

March 4 Ash Monday Mass/Qurbono and Distribution of Ashes – 7pm
March 8, 14, 22, 29

April 5, 12

Fridays Stations of the Cross (lead by Deacons) – 7 p.m. with Communion Service presided by the Deacons.
March 10,17, 24, 31

April 7

Sundays Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – 9:00 a.m.(Confessions will be available before and after Mass by request during Sundays of Lent)

Holy Week Schedule:

April 14
Palm Sunday
Hosanna Sunday (Shaneenee) – 10:30 a.m.

Procession to follow with the distribution of Palms.

         Confessions will be heard before Mass only

**Breakfast and EggHunt after Mass.**

April 17


Rite of the Lamp, (Mass/ Qurbono) – 7 p.m.

Confessions will be heard before/after the Holy Mysteries.

April 18
Holy Thursday
Institution of the Eucharist- Mass/ Qurbono – 7 p.m.

Washing of the Apostles Feet

Confessions will be heard before/after the Holy Mysteries.

April 19
Great Friday
Signing of the Chalice – Pre-Sanctified Liturgy – 10:30 a.m.

Confessions available before or after by request

Burial Procession (Zeeyeh) – No Eucharist– 7 p.m.

Commemoration of the Burial of our Lord.

No Confessions available in the evening

April 20
Saturday of Holy Week
Morning Service: 10:30 a.m.

   Rite of Forgiveness (General Absolution)

No individual Confessions available

Night Vigil of Easter:

Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord (Mass/ Quorbono)– 9:00 p.m.

Followed by Rite of Peace and Procession.

No individual Confessions available

April 21
Easter Sunday
Sunday of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord – 10:30 am

No Procession, Mass only.