Jan 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Holy Father has beautifully directed our attention this year on Mercy. By reflection of the incredible events of the plan of salvation — that God sent his only Son to us, out of mercy and love for us — we are able to have a glimpse of what we are...
Jan 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Lenten/ Holy Week 2016 Click here to find a printable schedule for Lent & Easter Schedule 2016 People focus on fasting and it’s important. As a reminder, the Most Reverend Bishops Elias Zaidan and Gregory Mansour have previously issued the following Lenten...
Jan 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Brothers and Sisters, We spoke in church yesterday about the schedule for the rest of the year for Holy Days. Contained in this schedule are the days that I cannot move without approval from bishop (those in red), and those feasts or days that I can move (the ones in...
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